To Travel Alone or With Others?

Making the Case for Solo Travel as a More Rewarding Experience

Traveling is one of the most transformative and fulfilling experiences in life. It allows exploration of new places, cultures, and perspectives, while you learn more about yourself and your surroundings. However, traveling requires making some important decisions, such as where to go, what to do, and most importantly who to go with.

Some people prefer to travel solo, while others enjoy traveling with friends or family. Both options have their pros and cons, and there is no right or wrong answer (well…we’ll see).  I will try to be fair as I compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages based on some very personal experiences, some conversations I’ve had with frequent fliers and some extensive online research.

Just for the record, I am team Solo, and am making the case for traveling alone, but I do understand how intimidating the concept is and honestly will surely travel with friends again in the future.  But YES, the Solo Travel section is enthusiastically wordy, so get ready.

Solo Travel

Freedom: As a solo traveler, you have complete control over your itinerary, budget, pace, and activities. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, without having to compromise or negotiate with anyone else. You can also change your plans on the fly if you feel like it. You are the master of your own adventure. Solo travel is the ultimate way to unleash your inner explorer and discover the world on your own terms.

I personally have some horror stories when it comes to traveling with others.  If things go terribly wrong in the midst of a long, expensive trip, it’s best to figure out an exit strategy and go it alone.  Trust me, nothing could be worse than trying to stick it out with companionship that goes sour.  Take your freedom back.

Self-discovery:  Solo travel is not for the faint of heart. It’s by its very nature for the brave, the adventurous, the curious, and the independent. Going it alone can be a great opportunity to discover more about yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, your passions, and your values. It permits you to to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and overcome obstacles. Take your journal to reflect on your life, your goals, and your dreams.  It requires that you trust yourself and your decision-making as well as confidence so that you don’t give off newbie vibes.  People stop and ask me for directions in most places that I visit which is an indication that I might look like I know where I’m going (although I probably don’t).

Socializing: Traveling alone does not mean being lonely. In fact, it can be easier to meet new people and make friends when you travel solo than when you travel with others. You are more approachable and open to conversations when you are by yourself. You can also choose who you want to interact with and how much time you want to spend with them. You can join tours, activities, or events that interest you and connect with like-minded travelers or locals.  This is my preference for company as opposed to being with the same group for an extended period of time.  I’d rather hang with a group for a short stint or travel alone and meet wonderful, like-minded souls along the way.

Cost: In my humble opinion, solo travel is not expensive. It’s priceless. You can save money, find deals, and create your own experiences tailored to your own needs. There are contrasting opinions below, but read on and see how your experiences align.

Loneliness: Solo travel is not lonely. It’s liberating. You can meet new people, make new friends, and connect with yourself.

Problem-Solving: Going it alone can improve your problem-solving skills and make you more resourceful.  What a way to learn how to deal with unexpected situations, find solutions, and adapt to different circumstances.  You will glow with pride each time you are on the other side of a sticky situation. Undoubtedly it will boost your confidence and self-reliance as you trust your instincts, make your own decisions, and overcome challenges.

The Cons According to Some….

Safety: While traveling alone, you may encounter some dangerous situations or people along the way and having a companion or two will make you feel safer.  What if you get sick or injured without anyone to help you or take care of you?  It will require more  caution and vigilance to protect yourself and your belongings when you travel solo than when you travel with others.

Loneliness: Some travelers find solo travel to be lonely. And you too may miss having someone to share your experiences, thoughts, feelings, and memories with as well as having someone to support, comfort, or cheer you up when things go wrong.  You will have to consider whether you will feel isolated or bored when you travel solo in contrast to traveling with others.

Traveling With a Crew

Companionship: Traveling with friends or family can provide you with companionship and support throughout your trip. It will allow you to create lasting memories and bonds with your travel buddies that will enrich your life. You’ll have someone to share your joys, sorrows, challenges, and achievements with and someone to talk to, laugh with, or cry with when you need it.

Cost: Sharing expenses with friends or family can be cheaper than traveling alone if all involved have the same budget goals.  The costs for accommodation, transportation, food, and activities can all be split with your travel buddies. Everyone can take advantage of group discounts or deals that are available for multiple travelers.

Safety: Vacationing with a group can enhance your safety and security allowing you to look out for each other and assist in case of emergency or trouble. Being able to rely on each other for advice, guidance, or support when needed is an absolute must for some and can help them feel more comfortable and confident.


Compromise: There will be some compromise on aspects of your trip with a group, full stop. You will have to agree on where to go, what to do, how much to spend, how long to stay, etc., which may not always match your preferences or expectations. You may also have to sacrifice some of your personal time or space for the sake of the group dynamics. Expect that you will not do everything that you want or enjoy everything that you do when you travel with others.

Conflict: Traveling with a group can also lead to some conflict or tension among the group members. You may have different opinions, personalities, habits, or styles that may clash or annoy each other. You may also have some disagreements, arguments, or misunderstandings that may affect your mood or relationship - and vacation is not where you want to experience these dynamics. Of course, you should practice patience, tolerance, and be respectful.  Most importantly, don’t let anyone make you lose your cool.

Self-discovery: This is where opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth will be stifled. There won’t be as many moments to challenge yourself as much or try new things as often when you travel with a crew. You’ll definitely be influenced by the opinions, expectations, or judgments of your travel buddies, which may prevent you from being yourself or expressing yourself freely. It will also be more difficult to learn as much about yourself or self reflect than when you travel alone.

Ease Into It

If you’d like to try solo travel before you rally cry for one of these two teams, why not ease into it?   Here are some creative ideas to dip a toe before plunging in:

  • Start with your own city or a nearby destination as a solo traveler, and get used to the feeling of being alone and independent. And don’t forget to eat alone.  This method is a low-risk and low-cost way to ease into it.

  • Visit a friend or a family member in a different city. After your host shows you around, break off to spend some time alone and explore the city by yourself, without feeling completely isolated or lost.  This is a cushy way to experience a new place while having some support.

  • Sign up for a group tour or a retreat that interests you.  You’ll certainly meet other travelers who share your passion. Travel with the group and enjoy the activities and itinerary that are planned for you, without having to worry about the logistics or safety. You can also have some time for yourself and do your own thing, if you want.

  • The most adventurous option (hooray for you!) would be to choose a destination that is recommended for solo travelers. Research and choose a destination that is known to be safe, friendly, and easy for solo travelers.  Choose a place that speaks your native language, has good infrastructure, transportation, tourism facilities, low crime rates and positive attitudes towards solo travelers. This will drastically reduce stress and hassle while you step out of your comfort zone.

In Conclusion

Traveling alone or with others is a personal choice that depends on your preferences, goals, and circumstances. However, if you are looking for a more rewarding and enriching experience, you may want to at least consider it. As with anything, solo travel has its drawbacks but ones that can easily be overcome with some research, planning, and precautions.  The most important thing is to be brave, get off the couch and make some great travel memories without waiting for the week that your cousin can take off work.  It can be a life-changing adventure that you should try at least once in your life. You may discover more than just new places and cultures. You may discover yourself.


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